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  • Writer's pictureAgent Stormhawk

Mission FALL

Howdy there, agents.

September has arrived and gone, leaving no mission in its wake, and in apology, I somewhat proudly present one of the worst acronyms in the history of the agency.

Enter Mission FALL (For this Autumn, Leaves & Lattes).

Like the name, it’s a fairly straightforward mission: either clean up leaves, or give away a latte. Or both.

The options are numerous. You can rake a neighbor’s lawn (spell-check thinks you ought to turn Grinch and “take” the lawn, but I digress), help out in a community leave-pick-up if your church or other group does that sort of thing (if they don’t, you could always start one), or any other logical way to help someone with leaves, such as going out at the dead of night and employing a noiseless tactic (leaf blowers and rakes just won’t cut it) to disperse the trees’ seasonal offerings.

The only catch? You’re not allowed to accept payment in the form of money (if someone offers you a latte for your hard work, well, that’s another story).

Speaking of coffee drinks, the second “L” is, of course, “lattes.” And what says “fall” better than a warm latte on a crisp autumn day? (Anything that talks, of course!) The latte aspect of the mission is probably what you expected: bless someone with a latte. (Or any other fallish drink; “latte” simply sounded good for the name).

Do it however you please (although I wouldn’t recommend leaving the drink on a stranger’s porch; that’s just weird, and who knows what security cameras would catch you in the act of trying to poison someone).

Best of luck!

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