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Mission Little Helper

Howdy, agents! Your next (and for many of you, your first) mission, should you choose to accept it, is Mission Little Helper.

Christmas has just passed, and New Years is on the near horizon. Family, fun, and maybe just a bit of mess.

Oh, yes, the mess.

Surely, your family has already enlisted your help in cleaning up. But this is the season of giving. Why not go beyond that?


Part One: a challenge. Don't complain until next year. Yep, you read that right. The second the clock hand hits twelve, declaring the start of January 1, 2023, you may may again complain. Any strikes made before then must be recorded. Seven strikes, and you're out. Meaning you don't get the prize. Part Two: an assignment. This is the Incognito SMILE Agency, remember, so don't go and tell your mom that you just cleaned all the toilets.

Was that random? Man. Must I first mention what your assignment is? 😏😎 Well, it's not called Little Helper for nothing. Clean something. Even multiple somethings, so long as some things get clean.

Ideas include, but are by no means limited to: Folding/and or putting away someone else’s laundry. Putting fresh sheets on someone else's bed. Hanging fresh towels in the bathroom. Restocking the toilet paper (bonus if you sneak in a few rolls of this). Unloading the dishwasher. Taking out the trash. Organizing the closet, shed, garage, or rabbit's lair. Wiping the baseboards or the air vents. Dusting the ceiling fan blades. Making sure the dragon isn't going hungry, the potted plants aren't at death's door, or your younger sibling doesn't have access to the breakable ornaments.

I'm sure you can think of more. If you're stuck, ask the parrot. If she wants a cracker, either get a new bird, stop letting her watch pirate movies, or hand her a soapy sponge and show her to the dirty dishes left over from Christmas dinner.


Well, agent, have at it! If you're able to complete the mission before next year (which, if you've been paying attention, isn't possible), then you'll receive a prize. If you do manage to complete the mission as instructed, then either comment on this post and say as much (mentioning your codename would be handy), or shoot the ISA an email.

If the prize happens to be real, then you might get it. No promises.

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